Webpage of My Report: http://academicethics.blogspot.tw/
1. Introduction and Motivation |
- What I did before visiting here.
- What I have been doing from July 10 to Sept 9.
- What I intend to do in the future.
2. Cases against Academic Ethics |
3. Copyright Act |
4. Academics Ethics |
5. Rights to Education and to Knowledge |
6. Economics and Finance Issues (tentative) |
7. Future Works
- Philosophical inquiry into moral rights of (copyrighted) works (property)
- Forthright and practical works: Publishing critiques on textbooks and journal articles. Contributing to education system and academic circles.
- 劉任昌 (2013). 主題專家翻譯之教科書內容可靠嗎?檢視 Saunders 與Cornett 之金融機構管理中譯本 (Can We Trust the Textbook Translated by Subject Experts? Examining the Translations of Saunders and Cornett’s Financial Institutions Management) (September 1, 2013). Journal of Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 2, No. 1, 19-54, 2013. (高苑科大學報) http://ssrn.com/abstract=2322810
- Liu, Jen-Chang, 評論衍生性金融商品教科書與闡述資產訂價基本定理 (Reviewing the Textbooks of Derivatives and Demonstrating the Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing) (April 12, 2014). (投稿至「期貨與選擇權學刊」TSSCI 期刊) http://ssrn.com/abstract=2424338
- 劉任昌 (2014). 著作權法與消費者保護法涉及之大專教科書議題. (在訪問期間撰寫,聖約翰科技大學研討會 (2014/10/02) 接受,準備投稿到「教科書研究」TSSCI 期刊)
- 劉任昌 (2014). 股東會授權董事會與董事會授權董事長決策:分析三陽工業經營權爭奪戰。 (在訪問期間撰寫,投稿至「當代會計」,淡江大學會計系出版)
- 訪問期間收穫與進行中工作一:主張與闡述「著作權法第 10-1 條:依本法取得之著作權,其保護僅及於該著作之表達,而不及於其所表達之思想、程序、製程、系統、操作方法、概念、原理、發現。」過度解釋 US Copy Act 102 (b),導致臺灣作者與書商誤以為抄襲他人著作之意義,卻以不同文字形式表達,即不違反著作權。
- 訪問期間收穫與進行中工作二:Hegel (1991, Sec 49) 英譯本
In relation to external things, the rational aspect is that I possess property; the particular aspect, however, includes subjective ends, needs, arbitrariness, talents, external circumstances, etc. (see Sec 45). It is on there that mere possession as such depends, but this particular aspect, in this sphere of abstract personality, is not yet posited as identical with freedom. What and how much I possess is therefore purely contingent as far as right is concerned.
- 主張著作權是人類文明進化過程中,最重要之財產權,是人類無限意志力的延伸工具與結果。參考 Hegel (1991, Sec 41) 英譯本
The person must give himself an external sphere of freedom in order to have being as Idea. The person is the infinite will, the will which has being in and for itself, in this first and as yet wholly abstract determination. Consequently, this sphere distinct from the will, which may constitute the sphere of its freedom, is likewise determined as immediately different and separable from it.
- 未來研究:一、用中文撰寫教科書與期刊評論,實踐大專教師 (我) 意志力與人格的延伸。二、嘗試用英文撰寫法理哲學,融入文明進化 (civilization evolution) 先驗論。
Other Supplements (其他補充)
Ayn Rand (1905/02/02-1982/03/06) advocated reason as the only means of acquiring knowledge and rejected faith and religion. She supported rational and ethical egoism, and rejected altruism. In politics, she condemned the initiation of force as immoral and opposed collectivism and statism as well as anarchism, instead supporting laissez-faire capitalism, which she defined as the system based on recognizing individual rights. In art, Rand promoted romantic realism. She was sharply critical of most philosophers and philosophical traditions known to her, except for some Aristotelians and classical liberals. (adopted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayn_Rand)