2014年9月7日 星期日


公民權利和政治權利國際公約 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Article 19
  1. Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference.
  2. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice.
  3. The exercise of the rights provided for in paragraph 2 of this article carries with it special duties and responsibilities. It may therefore be subject to certain restrictions, but these shall only be such as are provided by law and are necessary:
    • For respect of the rights or reputations of others;
    • For the protection of national security or of public order (ordre public), or of public health or morals.
  1. 人人有權持有主張,不受干涉。
  2. 人人有自由發表意見的權利;此項權利包括尋求、接受和傳遞各種消息思想的自由,而不論國界,也不論口頭的、書寫的、印刷的、採取藝術形式的、或通過他所選擇的任何其他媒介。
  3. 本條第二款所規定的權利的行使帶有特殊的義務和責任,因此得受某些限制,但這些限制只應由法律規定並為下列條件所必需:
    • 尊重他人的權利或名譽;
    • 保障國家安全或公共秩序,或公共衛生或道德。
經濟、社會和文化權利公約 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Article 13
  1. The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the right of everyone to education. They agree that education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and the sense of its dignity, and shall strengthen the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. They further agree that education shall enable all persons to participate effectively in a free society, promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations and all racial, ethnic or religious groups, and further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.
  2. The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize that, with a view to achieving the full realization of this right:
    • (a) Primary education shall be compulsory and available free to all;
    • (b) Secondary education in its different forms, including technical and vocational secondary education, shall be made generally available and accessible to all by every appropriate means, and in particular by the progressive introduction of free education;
    • (c) Higher education shall be made equally accessible to all, on the basis of capacity, by every appropriate means, and in particular by the progressive introduction of free education;
    • (d) Fundamental education shall be encouraged or intensified as far as possible for those persons who have not received or completed the whole period of their primary education;
    • (e) The development of a system of schools at all levels shall be actively pursued, an adequate fellowship system shall be established, and the material conditions of teaching staff shall be continuously improved.
  3. The States Parties to the present Covenant undertake to have respect for the liberty of parents and, when applicable, legal guardians to choose for their children schools, other than those established by the public authorities, which conform to such minimum educational standards as may be laid down or approved by the State and to ensure the religious and moral education of their children in conformity with their own convictions.
  4. No part of this article shall be construed so as to interfere with the liberty of individuals and bodies to establish and direct educational institutions, subject always to the observance of the principles set forth in paragraph I of this article and to the requirement that the education given in such institutions shall conform to such minimum standards as may be laid down by the State.
  1. 本公約締約各國承認,人人有受教育的權利。它們同意,教育應鼓勵人的個性和尊嚴的充分發展,加強對人權和基本自由的尊重,並應使所有的人能有效地參加自由社會,促進各民族之間和各種族、人種或宗教團體之間的了解,容忍和友誼,和促進聯合國維護和平的各項活動。
  2. 本公約締約各國認為,為了充分實現這一權利起見:
    • (甲)初等教育應屬義務性質並一律免費;
    • (乙)各種形式的中等教育,包括中等技術和職業教育,應以一切適當方法,普遍設立,並對一切人開放,特別要逐漸做到免費;
    • (丙)高等教育應根據成績,以一切適當方法,對一切人平等開放,特別要逐漸做到免費;
    • (丁)對那些未受到或未完成初等教育的人的基礎教育,應盡可能加以鼓勵或推進;
    • (戊)各級學校的制度,應積極加以發展;適當的獎學金制度,應予設置;教員的物質條件,應不斷加以改善。
  3. 本公約締約各國承擔,尊重父母和(如適用時)法定監護人的下列自由:為他們的孩子選擇非公立的但係符合於國家所可能規定或批准的最低教育標準的學校,並保證他們的孩子能按照他們自己的信仰接受宗教和道德教育。
  4. 本條的任何部分不得解釋為干涉個人或團體設立及管理教育機構的自由,但以遵守本條第一款所述各項原則及此等機構實施的教育必須符合國家所可能規定的最低標準為限。
教育基本法, 2013/11/01
  1. 人民為教育權之主體。
  2. 教育之目的以培養人民健全人格、民主素養、法治觀念、人文涵養、愛國教育、鄉土關懷、資訊知能、強健體魄及思考、判斷與創造能力,並促進其對基本人權之尊重、生態環境之保護及對不同國家、族群、性別、宗教、文化之瞭解與關懷,使其成為具有國家意識與國際視野之現代化國民。
  3. 為實現前項教育目的,國家、教育機構、教師、父母應負協助之責任。
  1. 各級政府應寬列教育經費,保障專款專用,並合理分配及運用教育資源
  2. 對偏遠及特殊地區之教育,應優先予以補助。
  3. 教育經費之編列應予以保障;其編列與保障之方式,另以法律定之。
  1. 教育應本中立原則。
  2. 學校不得為特定政治團體或宗教信仰從事宣傳,主管教育行政機關及學校亦不得強迫學校行政人員、教師及學生參加任何政治團體或宗教活動。
  3. 公立學校不得為特定宗教信仰從事宣傳或活動。主管教育行政機關及公立學校亦不得強迫學校行政人員、教師及學生參加任何宗教活動。
  4. 私立學校得辦理符合其設立宗旨或辦學屬性之特定宗教活動,並應尊重學校行政人員、教師及學生參加之意願,不得因不參加而為歧視待遇。但宗教研修學院應依私立學校法之規定辦理。
  1. 人民有依教育目的興學之自由;政府對於私人及民間團體興辦教育事業,應依法令提供必要之協助或經費補助,並依法進行財務監督。其著有貢獻者,應予獎勵。
  2. 政府為鼓勵私人興學,得將公立學校委託私人辦理;其辦法由該主管教育行政機關定之。
  1. 教育人員之工作、待遇及進修等權利義務,應以法律定之,教師之專業自主應予尊重
  2. 學生之學習權、受教育權、身體自主權及人格發展權,國家應予保障,並使學生不受任何體罰及霸凌行為,造成身心之侵害。
  3. 國民教育階段內,家長負有輔導子女之責任,並得為其子女之最佳福祉,依法律選擇受教育之方式、內容及參與學校教育事務之權利。
  4. 學校應在各級政府依法監督下,配合社區發展需要,提供良好學習環境。
  5. 第二項霸凌行為防制機制、處理程序及其他應遵行事項之準則,由中央主管教育行政機關定之。

  • 2. 「健全人格」
  • 8. 15.「人格發展權」

