2014年8月25日 星期一

Helfer and Austin (2011): Human Rights and Intellectual Property

Chapter 1 Mapping the Interface of Human Rights and Intellectual Property

1.1. Thematic Overview and Introduction, p. 1

Helfer and Austin (2011) explores the relationship between human rights and intellectual property.
Widespread recognition of the relationship between human rights and intellectual property has a relatively recent vintage.
[venerable: commanding respect because of great age or impressive dignity; worthy of veneration or reverence, as because of high office or noble character]

1.2. The International Human Rights System: A Substantive and Institutional Overview, p. 3

1.3. The International Intellectual Property System: A Substantive and Institutional Overview, p. 16

Chapter 5 The Right to Education and Copyright in Learning Materials

5.5. Copyright in Textbooks and Learning Materials

5.7. Mapping the Interface between Copyright and the Right to Education, p. 357

  1. Educators and learners: we encourage educators and learners to actively participate in the emerging open education movement. Participating includes: creating, using, adapting and improving open educational resources; embracing educational practices built around collaboration, discovery and the creation of knowledge; and inviting peers and colleagues to get involved. Creating and using open resources should be considered integral to education and should be supported and rewarded accordingly.

(Helfer and Austin, 2011, p. 362)

